Kambili Movie directed by Kayode Kasum and produced by Mimi Bartels Originally set to arrive on the big screens June 2020 – will now debut this September 2020 – will now debut October 16th -now debut October 23rd.
*Finally hit the big screens December 4th 2020
The upcoming film is Filmone’s first feature film sponsored by South Africa’s Empire Entertainment and China’s Huahua Media’s $1 million collaboration launched in December 2019.

“Kambili: The Whole 30 Yards”, is the story of Kambili Maduka, an irresponsible, spoiled, spendthrift 28-year-old woman who’s turning 29 in a few weeks. The only thing on her mind is how to get married before she turns 30
The following set of talents appears as cast
Nancy Isime
Jide Kene
Mawuli Gavor
Sharon Ooja
Elvina Ibru
Uzo Arukwe
Venita Akopofure
Ekun Kekere Koye
Toyin Abraham
More details Developing – Stay Tuned
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