In 1893, A fine young man who has just finished schooling in England is in town. He is bright, handsome, and no doubt poised for greatness. History is about to be written. His Name you ask?

Imoh Umoren a prolific Nollywood filmmaker has shared with us details of his new film titled The Herbert Macaulay Affair.
These details includes the release date planned for the film, the official synopsis as well as other interesting details we are excited to write about.
The Herbert Macaulay Affair is a historical period piece drama set in the era between the late 1800 and early 1900. Think Downtown Abbey, Mad Men and Boardwalk Empire but all in a Nigerian story with characters that speaks local languages.
The Official Trailer of the film which was released by Imoh Umoren has taken social media by storm with positive comments and critical praises flooding in from both fans and other Nollywood filmmakers.
Here, have a taste and share your thoughts with us in the comments below.

According to the information we have the film will be open for cinemas audiences to enjoy in Nigeria on October 25th.
The Herbert Macaulay Affair begins with young Herbert stepping off a ship after spending sometime schooling in England in 1893. He gets work at the Crown Lands as a Surveyor. Herbert upon his return is annoyed by the segregation he witnesses at work and in his way rebels against authority. He meets and falls in love with Caroline Pratt whose father is a police officer of Her Royal Majesty this immediately sets him on a warpath with his intending father in law as both men are of opposing ideologies.
Superintendent Pratt tasked with keeping the law has to deal with this emerging rebel who also wants to marry his daughter. Despite opposition and setbacks Caroline and Herbert fall madly in love and this film tells that story.
Imoh Umoren plans to re-imagine the 1893 era by taking his time to research Costumes, Props, Language, and Locations. With even the music and color scheme details of the film not sparred. This pain staking method will allow the story to reach maximum authenticity which we believe already reflects in the teaser clip released a few weeks back.

The Herbert Macaulay Affair was primarily filmed on the RED Helium. The film intends to optimize the pictures to 8k and according to the filmmakers working on this project, “This will allow us to be able to distribute worldwide without the need of expanding smaller sizes which may cause us to lose picture quality as we want our film to be pristine whether it is shown in Japan, the UK or Lagos. Because we are competing with top notch filmmakers worldwide we want to equal or beat them.
Imoh Umoren particularly shared with us that he is proud of all his films but this new one is much more important for him and for Nigeria.
“At this point of our history as we need to remind ourselves of the labor of our heroes past”
To wrap this up, the year 2019 looks very promising for Nollywood as new film offerings by domestic filmmakers seems to look much more different than the “Formulaic movies” released every year. Audiences very much applaud these new frontiers and can’t wait to see what is in store for them.
Imoh umoren has also shared the video for the original soundtrack used in the film which was performed by Singer Chidinma Ekile.
The Herbert Macaulay Affair will be showing in cinemas from the 25th of October
Thanks you for reading this. Do you have an awesome film coming out you would like for us to talk about. if yes, you can send us a mail to “[email protected]”