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S16 Film Festival “To God Be The Glory” Gears Up for 4 day Festivities – See Full Schedule

The Story

S16 Film Festival 2023 termed “To God Be The Glory” kicks off on the 7th through to the 10th of December. Here’s the schedule for the event.

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S16 Film Festival is an annual festival that celebrates African art by spotlighting unique filmmakers and films of independent cinema. This event includes a lot of festivities in which the schedule has been stated below.

The four-day event will include a Short Film Screening, an Opening Feature Film, panel Sessions (In Conversation with filmmakers) and a Closing Feature Film amongst others.

Event Schedule

The event begins on Thursday 7th of December 2023, with an opening feature film ‘Banel and Adama’ at 8 pm at Alliance Auditorium.  Banel and Adama is a 2023 Senegalese romantic drama film directed by Ramata-Toulaye Sy to be screened at the S16 film festival.

Day 2, Friday 8th December is programmed into four sessions which include Short Film Screening by 11 am- 1 pm, Filmmakers Brunch by 2 pm- 3 pm, In Conversation by 4 pm- 5:30 pm and Short Film Screening by 6 pm – 9:30 pm.

The following movies will be screening at the Day 2 Short Film Screening Programme 1 (Morning): Of Burning Question and Fiery Answers by Julie Ako, Da Yie by Anthony Nti, Doctor Who? by Jenrola Lawore, A Quiet Monday by Dika Ofoma and Memory XX by Ewoma Prince Oro.

In Conversation is the panellist session with Abba T. Makama and Chuko Esiri (‘Eyimofe’ Road to Criterion Collection).

Then, the Short Film Screening Programme 2 (Evening) movies include: The Archive: Queer Nigerians by Simisolaoluwa Akande, One Home to Another by Dominque Van Olm, Terra Mater by Kantarama  Gahigiri, Lorem Ipsum by Sasha Agbontaen, You Matter To Me by Immaculata Abba and  Do You See Me by Wale Oyejide.

Day 3, Saturday 9th December is programmed into three sessions which are: Short Film Screening by 1 pm – 6 pm; Mami Wata Special Presentation by 7 pm – 9 pm and In Conversation by 9 pm – 10 pm.

In Conversation with Abba T. Makama and CJ Obasi  (‘Mami Wata’ Road to Sundance and Beyond).

Day 4, Sunday 10th of December, the final day of the S16 film festival is scheduled for the closing feature and party.

The closing feature (Augere) is fixed for 7 pm – 9 pm, while the closing party (special invite only) is fixed for 10 pm.

Key Background

S16 is a subsidiary of the Surreal 16 collection. It was founded in 2016 by three amazing filmmakers CJ ‘Fiery’ Obasi, Abba T. Makama and Omonua, inspired by the Dogme 95 movement.

The Surreal 16 collection was birthed to diversify output and establish a new kind of cinema. Nigerian cinema has been known for melodrama and comedy over the ages, leaving out certain traditional and artistic characters in filmmaking.

Surreal collection therefore established a 16 rule manifesto to encourage genre films such as fantasy, science, fiction, horror, crime and as well as promote artistically minded films.

Surreal Collection began its first film festival in 2021 screening 10 short films and 1 feature-length film. This includes Rehearsal by Michael Omonua, Husbandry by Ikem Okeke, Ojo Aiku by Lakin Ogunbanwo, Dear Black Child by Tobi Onabolu, Nightmare On Broad Street by Ayo Lawson and Femi Johnson, Head by Jimi Agboola, Afronauts by Nuotama Bodomo, The otherside by Adesua Okosun, Appreciation by Tomisin Adepeju, Mango by Jonathan Pinkhard and the first feature-length film ‘Juju Stories’ by Michael Omonua, CJ Obasi and Abba Makama.

Surreal Collection unveiled the S16 Film Festival second edition with an exhibition of the legendary filmmaker, Tunde Kelani and then proceeded to screen the opening feature film Saworoide (1999) still in honour of Tunde Kelani.

In 2022, a total number of 14 films were screened which were 10 short films and 4 feature-length films.

How To Attend the S16 Film Festival

S16 Film Festival ticket is free but a reservation is required to attend.

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