The Story ⚡
Nollywood’s Gangster Smasher: Omo Ghetto the Saga, has finished its Nigerian theatrical run that started from December 25th 2020 to April 11th 2021– setting a record revenue at N635.96 Million
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The feature directed by Funke Akindele and JJC skills hit the big screens in one of the worst times for consumers and exhibitors who were counting their losses after a mandated nationwide lockdown to curb Covid 19
Before its arrival, both domestic and foreign titles struggled to bring back Nigerian movie goers.
But Omo ghetto the saga heavily armed with a commercially ethnic cast + savvy hybrid marketing (social and traditional) went ahead to swallow the pandemic barrier like hot eba, setting new records for domestic producers to conquer.
Trajectory From 0 – N635 million
The data team at shock gathered the revenue trajectory of Omo ghetto from Day 1 to Day 128 – and its gangster!
In a 7 day streak, the titled cashed in N270 Million.
Mid way through – the title kept appearing on as the top box office choice and had crossed over the N500 million mark
Final day – the titled bowed out with the exact figure of
N635, 965, 620
Top 5 locations
Omo Ghetto the saga via its distributor Film One was able to screen in more than 55 cinema locations spread across Nigeria.
According to them, the top 5 cinema locations that made the most ticket sales are:
Legacy IP
As it stands, Omo Ghetto has set a box office precedent that old Nollywood IP can be remade into a cinematic feature for a modern audience willing to see it on the large screen.
if there is any chance of breaking this N635 million record – a legacy IP would definitely be top of choice.
What happens Next?
The producers of the title begin the slow process of gathering their cut in the bank.
using the above calculations, we posit that the producer cut is a minimum of N 222,587,967
In summary
E no easy!
ideas are worth nothing unless executed.
Congratulations to the team behind this project.
Thank you for reading Covers the Business of Film and the Biggest movies that screen in Sub Saharan Africa.
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